TIAA-CREF Individual Retirement Counseling Sessions

ATTENTION:  Regular status employees 50-100% FTE

If you are currently participating in RCUH’s Group Retirement Annuity (GRA) and/or Supplemental Retirement Annuity (SRA) plans administered through TIAA-CREF OR if you are interested in enrolling into a TIAA-CREF SRA plan, the RCUH Human Resources Department is now coordinating one-hour Individual/Employee Retirement Counseling Sessions with TIAA-CREF.  During these meetings, you will be able to discuss your personal financial/retirement goals with a TIAA-CREF Financial Consultant, on a free and confidential basis.

A TIAA-CREF representative will be able to assist you with planning for your retirement goals, including:

  • Setting realistic goals for key life events and retirement
  • Reviewing your investment mix and strategy
  • Selecting your TIAA-CREF options
  • Learning about TIAA-CREF retirement income flexibility

For employees unfamiliar with the SRA plan, it is considered a 403(b) tax-deferred annuity plan which allows an employee to make contributions via payroll deduction from his/her pre-tax earnings towards an individual retirement plan (i.e., SRA) through our third party administrator, TIAA-CREF.  Enrolling or making changes to your SRA election may be done at any time during the year. For more information about the GRA and SRA plans, please go to our website, and review the RCUH Retirement Plans Policy (3.560).

We have reserved the following dates and times for Individual Sessions:

April 16, 2015
Dates Location Times
April 14, 2015 John A. Burns Hall Room 3044 – Honolulu
1601 East-West Rd
Honolulu, HI 96848
9:00am – 4:00pm
April 15, 2015 John A. Burns Hall Room 3044 – Honolulu
1601 East-West Rd
Honolulu, HI 96848
9:00am – 4:00pm
John A. Burns Hall Room 3044 – Honolulu
1601 East-West Rd
Honolulu, HI 96848
9:00am – 4:00pm

To schedule an appointment, please use our secure Web site at:

If you have questions or are unable to schedule an appointment online, please call our Service and Scheduling Group at 800-732-8353 Mon-Fri 6am – 3pm Hawaii time.
Meetings are accessible for individuals with disabilities.  For more information or to request an accommodation due to your disability, contact Cheyane Kamai at (808) 956-2326 or email [email protected] at least one week prior to the session.

RCUH Timesheet for March 1-15, 2015 pay period

In order to minimize searching for the RCUH timesheets each pay period, we will have the current RCUH timesheet available in the Current News section of the RCUH website on the first working day of each pay period

Click here for the March 1-15, 2015 Timesheet
PAYROLL Deadline is March 16, 2015 noon
Payday for this timesheet is March 20, 2015

Next Announcement: March 16 (March 16-31)

TIAA-CREF Individual Retirement Counseling Sessions

ATTENTION:  Regular status employees 50-100% FTE

If you are currently participating in RCUH’s Group Retirement Annuity (GRA) and/or Supplemental Retirement Annuity (SRA) plans administered through TIAA-CREF OR if you are interested in enrolling into a TIAA-CREF SRA plan, the RCUH Human Resources Department is now coordinating one-hour Individual/Employee Retirement Counseling Sessions with TIAA-CREF.  During these meetings, you will be able to discuss your personal financial/retirement goals with a TIAA-CREF Financial Consultant, on a free and confidential basis.

A TIAA-CREF representative will be able to assist you with planning for your retirement goals, including:

  • Setting realistic goals for key life events and retirement
  • Reviewing your investment mix and strategy
  • Selecting your TIAA-CREF options
  • Learning about TIAA-CREF retirement income flexibility

For employees unfamiliar with the SRA plan, it is considered a 403(b) tax-deferred annuity plan which allows an employee to make contributions via payroll deduction from his/her pre-tax earnings towards an individual retirement plan (i.e., SRA) through our third party administrator, TIAA-CREF.  Enrolling or making changes to your SRA election may be done at any time during the year. For more information about the GRA and SRA plans, please go to our website, and review the RCUH Retirement Plans Policy (3.560).
We have reserved the following dates and times for Individual Sessions:

Dates Location Times
March 18, 2015 UH Maui College, Laulima Building, Room 213 9:00am – 4:00pm
March 19, 2015 UH Maui College, Laulima Building, Room 226 9:00am – 4:00pm
March 20, 2015 UH Maui College, Laulima Building, Room 213 9:00am – 4:00pm

To schedule an appointment, please use our secure Web site at:

If you have questions or are unable to schedule an appointment online, please call our Service and Scheduling Group at 800-732-8353 Mon-Fri 6am – 3pm Hawaii time.

Meetings are accessible for individuals with disabilities. For more information or to request an accommodation due to your disability, contact Ka Leng Wong at (808) 956-6318 or email [email protected] at least one week prior to the session.

RCUH Timesheet for February 16-28, 2015 pay period

In order to minimize searching for the RCUH timesheets each pay period, we will have the current RCUH timesheet available in the Current News section of the RCUH website on the first working day of each pay period.

Click here for the February 16-28, 2015 Timesheet
PAYROLL Deadline is March 2, 2015 noon
Payday for this timesheet is March 6, 2015

Next Announcement: March 1 (March 1-15)

Advanced Payroll Deadline for Pay Period Ending 2/15/15 and other Advanced Deadlines for 2015

The payroll deadline for the 2/01 – 2/15/15 pay period is 12:00 noon on FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 2015. The deadline has been moved up one day due to the President’s Day holiday.

Please note below the advanced payroll deadlines for 2015. All other payroll deadlines remain as usual (one working day after the end of the pay period).

Pay Period Ending Payroll Deadline* Holiday in Pay Period Payday
2/01/15 – 2/15/15 2/13/15
12:00 noon
President’s Day (2/16/15) 2/20/15
3/16/15 – 3/31/15 3/31/15
12:00 noon
Good Friday (4/03/15) 4/07/15
6/16/15 – 6/30/15 6/30/15
12:00 noon
Independence Day (7/03/15) 7/07/15
8/01/15 – 8/15/15 8/14/15
12:00 noon
Statehood Day (8/21/15) 8/20/15
8/16/15 – 8/31/15 8/31/15
12:00 noon
Labor Day (9/07/15) 9/04/15
12/16/15 – 12/31/15 12/31/15
12:00 noon
New Year’s Day (1/01/16) 1/07/16

*Payroll Deadline – when RCUH online timesheet submission, and supporting documentation, is due to RCUH Payroll.

For your convenience, click here to view the 2015 Personnel Action Payroll Calendar.

Should you have any questions, please contact the RCUH Payroll Staff at [email protected].

Thank you,
RCUH Payroll Staff

RCUH Supervisor’s Report of Industrial Injury


TO: All RCUH Principal Investigators & Employees
FROM: RCUH Human Resources
SUBJECT: RCUH Supervisor’s Report of Industrial Injury

Effective immediately, all RCUH Supervisor’s Reports of Industrial Injury are to be submitted directly to the RCUH Director of Human Resources, Mr. Nelson Sakamoto. All work-related accidents must be reported to the RCUH using the RCUH Supervisor’s Report of Industrial Injury Report form. You can find this form on the RCUH website under Human Resources policies (Policy No. 3.930 RCUH Safety and Accident Prevention Program).  Forms may be submitted via email to [email protected], by fax (808) 956-9423.

You should remind all RCUH staff that all work-related accidents must be reported within 24-hours of its occurrence.

If you have any questions, please call (808) 956-6965.

RCUH Timesheet for February 1-15, 2015 pay period

In order to minimize searching for the RCUH timesheets each pay period, we will have the current RCUH timesheet available in the Current News section of the RCUH website on the first working day of each pay period.

Click here for the February 1-15, 2015 Timesheet
PAYROLL Deadline is February 13, 2015 noon
Payday for this timesheet is February 20, 2015

Next Announcement: February 16 (February 16-28)



The Wage and Tax Statement (W-2) forms for the 2014 tax year have been completed.

Employees who submitted consent for an electronic W-2:

Your 2014 W-2 form is now available on the RCUH Employee Self-Service system at Click on:

Employee Self Service > User ID and password > Self Service > Payroll and Compensation > View W-2/W-2c Forms

If you are having difficulties opening your .pdf W-2 form, please make sure that the pop-up blocker on your browser is off or allows our website “”

For employees who did NOT consent for an electronic W-2:

A paper W-2 form will be mailed to your current mailing address on record on Friday, January 23, 2015.

If you do not receive your W-2 within a reasonable time, please contact us at [email protected].

RCUH Payroll Staff

TIAA-CREF Individual Retirement Counseling Sessions

ATTENTION:  Regular status employees 50-100% FTE

If you are currently participating in RCUH’s Group Retirement Annuity (GRA) and/or Supplemental Retirement Annuity (SRA) plans administered through TIAA-CREF OR if you are interested in enrolling into a TIAA-CREF SRA plan, the RCUH Human Resources Department is now coordinating one-hour Individual/Employee Retirement Counseling Sessions with TIAA-CREF.  During these meetings, you will be able to discuss your personal financial/retirement goals with a TIAA-CREF Financial Consultant, on a free and confidential basis.

A TIAA-CREF representative will be able to assist you with planning for your retirement goals, including:

  • Setting realistic goals for key life events and retirement
  • Reviewing your investment mix and strategy
  • Selecting your TIAA-CREF options
  • Learning about TIAA-CREF retirement income flexibility

For employees unfamiliar with the SRA plan, it is considered a 403(b) tax-deferred annuity plan which allows an employee to make contributions via payroll deduction from his/her pre-tax earnings towards an individual retirement plan (i.e., SRA) through our third party administrator, TIAA-CREF.  Enrolling or making changes to your SRA election may be done at any time during the year. For more information about the GRA and SRA plans, please go to our website, and review the RCUH Retirement Plans Policy (3.560).

We have reserved the following dates and times for Individual Sessions:

Dates Location Times
February 10, 2015 Institute for Astronomy, Room 131
Hilo, HI
9:00am – 4:00pm
February 11, 2015 Institute for Astronomy, Room 131
Hilo, HI
9:00am – 4:00pm
February 12, 2015 Institute for Astronomy, Room 131
Hilo, HI
9:00am – 4:00pm

To schedule an appointment, please use our secure Web site at:

If you have questions or are unable to schedule an appointment online, please call our Service and Scheduling Group at 800-732-8353 Mon-Fri 6am – 3pm Hawaii time.

Meetings are accessible for individuals with disabilities. For more information or to request an accommodation due to your disability, contact Ka Leng Wong at (808) 956-6318 or email [email protected] at least one week prior to the session.

RCUH Timesheet for January 16-31, 2015 pay period

In order to minimize searching for the RCUH timesheets each pay period, we will have the current RCUH timesheet available in the Current News section of the RCUH website on the first working day of each pay period.

Click here for the January 16-31, 2015 Timesheet
PAYROLL Deadline is February 2, 2015 noon
Payday for this timesheet is February 6, 2015

Next Announcement: February 1 (February 1-15)