RCUH Policies and Procedures
$0 – $10,000 >$10,000 ‐ $24,999.99 $25,000 and Above >$10,000 ‐ $24,999.99 $25,000 and Above >$10,000 ‐ $24,999.99 $25,000 and Above
Services” Equipment “Goods
Services” Equipment “Goods
Services” Equipment “Goods
Services” Equipment “Goods
Services” Equipment “Goods
Services” Equipment “Goods
Services” Equipment
“Three (3) or more Verbal Quotations
(If services are being procured, utilize the RCUH Agreement for Services)” 2.201
“Three (3) or more Written Quotations
(If services are being procured, utilize the RCUH Agreement for Services)” 2.201
Cite exemption number found in UH APM A8.220 2.107
“Sole Source Justification form
(Not required for a pre‐approved sole source per UH AP A8.255, but must be cited on PO; applicable to ORS subawards using federal contract funds)” 2.106
“Determination of Cost or Price Reasonableness form
(Not required for ORS subawards using grant funds; required if using federal contract funds)” 2.110
“Tax Clearance (Certificate of Vendor Compliance)
(Applicable to purchases and final payments $25,000 and above)” 2.302
“Certification Regarding Debarment and Other Matters
(Applicable to purchases $25,000 and above (under federal grants) and over $35,000 (under federal prime contracts))” 2.303
“Certification Regarding Payments to Influence Federal Transactions
(Applicable to purchases over $100,000 (under federal grants) and over $150,000 (under federal prime contracts))” 2.303
“Certificate of Current Cost or Pricing Data
(Applicable to purchases over $750,000 using federal contract funds)” 2.110
“FFATA Data Collection
(If applicable to award)” 2.304
“UH Form 39‐Authorization to Purchase Equipment with Federal Contract or Grant Funds
(Applicable to purchases using federal funds)” 2.212
UH Form 73 Fabricated Equipment 2.212
“Compliance with Americans with Disabilities Act Assessment
(Applicable to lease agreements; contact RCUH Procurement)” 2.211
Hawaii State Ethics Commission Approval to Contract with a Current or Former UH/RCUH Employee 2.004
EIC Determination 3.225
Attachment 47 Request for Advance Payment and/or Deposit to a Vendor or Contractor 2.201
“Documentation for the reporting or withholding of payments, if applicable
(The supporting documents (e.g., WH‐1, W‐9, W‐8BEN‐E, etc.) must be on file prior to the release of payments for reportable/withholdable transactions)” 2.005
“Independent Cost/Price Estimate Prior to Receiving Proposals, Bids, or Quotes
(Applicable to purchases over $250,000 (using federal funds))” 2.111
“Sealed Bids/Quotes and Public Opening for IFBs and RFQs
(Applicable to purchases over $250,000 (using federal funds))” 2.111
Note: Certain purchases may have additional insurance requirements (see policies under 2.400), as well as data, IP, export controls, and other UH requirements. Revised 10/23/2020