RCUH Policies and Procedures
University of Hawaii System
Office of the Vice President for Research and Innovation
May 5, 2015
TO: Vice Presidents, Chancellors
FROM: Vassilis L. Syrmos, Vice President for Research and Innovation
Kalbert K. Young, Vice President for Budget and Finance and Chief Financial Officer
Michael Hamnett, Executive Director, Research Corporation of the University of Hawaii
This memo is to clarify the responsibility for procurement transactions of $25,000 and greater on accounts service ordered to RCUH such as extramural funds, intramural funds, and revolving accounts.
Although the RCUH reviews procurement transactions of $25,000 and greater as to form and for compliance with RCUH policies and procedures, the responsibility for compliance for issues such as availability of funds, allowability, allocability, and reasonableness of charges; federal procurement rules; and following the terms and conditions of the award or applicable State or UH policies rest with the unit responsible for the transaction.
As described under UH administrative procedures A8.930, Service Orders to the Research Corporation of the University of Hawai’i and A8.931, Revolving Fund Service Orders to the Research Corporation of the University of Hawaii, the principal investigator (PI) and fiscal administrator/designated university official (FA/DUO) are primarily responsible. However, the program head/dean/director of the unit is ultimately responsible for any deficits and disallowances that occur under their jurisdiction, including securing the necessary funds to cover such costs.
The RCUH has determined that the signature of the PI and FA/DUO are sufficient to process transactions of $25,000 and greater. However, program heads/deans/directors may elect to review and sign procurement documents $25,000 and greater. We believe that this will enable RCUH to continue to provide efficient service without requiring a modification to the online RCUH procurement system to include a program head/dean/director approval.
If you have any questions, please contact Kevin Hanaoka at 956-7874.
c: President Lassner
Office of the Vice President for Research and Innovation
May 5, 2015
TO: Vice Presidents, Chancellors
FROM: Vassilis L. Syrmos, Vice President for Research and Innovation
Kalbert K. Young, Vice President for Budget and Finance and Chief Financial Officer
Michael Hamnett, Executive Director, Research Corporation of the University of Hawaii
This memo is to clarify the responsibility for procurement transactions of $25,000 and greater on accounts service ordered to RCUH such as extramural funds, intramural funds, and revolving accounts.
Although the RCUH reviews procurement transactions of $25,000 and greater as to form and for compliance with RCUH policies and procedures, the responsibility for compliance for issues such as availability of funds, allowability, allocability, and reasonableness of charges; federal procurement rules; and following the terms and conditions of the award or applicable State or UH policies rest with the unit responsible for the transaction.
As described under UH administrative procedures A8.930, Service Orders to the Research Corporation of the University of Hawai’i and A8.931, Revolving Fund Service Orders to the Research Corporation of the University of Hawaii, the principal investigator (PI) and fiscal administrator/designated university official (FA/DUO) are primarily responsible. However, the program head/dean/director of the unit is ultimately responsible for any deficits and disallowances that occur under their jurisdiction, including securing the necessary funds to cover such costs.
The RCUH has determined that the signature of the PI and FA/DUO are sufficient to process transactions of $25,000 and greater. However, program heads/deans/directors may elect to review and sign procurement documents $25,000 and greater. We believe that this will enable RCUH to continue to provide efficient service without requiring a modification to the online RCUH procurement system to include a program head/dean/director approval.
If you have any questions, please contact Kevin Hanaoka at 956-7874.
c: President Lassner