Employee Vendor Records

RCUH strives to maintain a vendor file that is complete and accurate.  You may have been contacted recently to confirm an individual’s employment status, or to provide a missing employee ID number.  We appreciate all the prompt responses that we have received, which we used to update the records.  We have purged the remaining incomplete vendor records (primarily … Continue reading “Employee Vendor Records”

Processing Documents through RCUH

Effective September 1, 2016, RCUH will permit the use of scanned or faxed copies of most documents processed through RCUH’s Finance and Human Resources Departments.  Refer to Policy 2.013, Signature and Document Approval Process,1 for limitations on this allowance. Signatory Sequence Requirements Effective September 1, 2016, all documents processed through RCUH must be signed by the vendor and/or project … Continue reading “Processing Documents through RCUH”

RCUH Indirect Cost Rate for Intramural Service Ordered Projects

Effective January 1, 2017, RCUH will be eliminating the discount on the indirect cost rate for advance funded intramural projects service ordered to RCUH. Currently, the indirect cost rate is 1.5% for projects with advance funds and 3.2% for projects without advance funds. All projects will henceforth be charged the 3.2% rate. RCUH regrets that … Continue reading “RCUH Indirect Cost Rate for Intramural Service Ordered Projects”

Notifications to Intramural and Revolving Account PIs and FAs

Effective July 2016, RCUH will be sending monthly email notifications to Principal Investigators (PIs) and Fiscal Administrators (FAs) regarding intramural or revolving accounts that are nearing termination and/or have a deficit balance. We request that PIs work with their FA to take the necessary action regarding their account(s). We hope that these notifications will be … Continue reading “Notifications to Intramural and Revolving Account PIs and FAs”