RCUH Financial System – Modernized User Interface, Announcement No. 1

We are pleased to announce that RCUH will be releasing a modernized user interface for our financial information system on Monday, November 23, 2015. The existing user interface now sits on an obsolete software platform that needs to be replaced. The new platform provides immediate benefits, including a more intuitive and user-friendly experience and improved … Continue reading “RCUH Financial System – Modernized User Interface, Announcement No. 1”

Updates to Procurement Thresholds

Updates: Threshold Increase for Purchases Without Competition, Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) Threshold Increases, and Timeline for the Implementation of New Requirements for Purchases above $150,000 Threshold Increase for Purchases Without Competition Effective October 13, 2015, RCUH has raised the threshold for purchases that can be made without competition, from $3,000 to $3,500. This increase is … Continue reading “Updates to Procurement Thresholds”