Financial Portal – Financial Forecast Reports Issue

We are aware of an issue in the Financial Forecast Budget Status Reports and Non-Payroll Projections Report.  Projected Indirect Costs are incorrectly being calculated for object code 7254 “POST DOC ASC ST NO OH”.  Object code 7254 should be excluded from Modified Total Direct Costs (MTDC) and therefore exempt from indirect costs.  We are currently … Continue reading “Financial Portal – Financial Forecast Reports Issue”

Duo Security on Finance/HR portals, effective Feb. 23

Effective Feb. 23, 2024, RCUH will require multi-factor authentication for its Human Resources Portal, Employee Self-Service, and Financial Portal. Similar to the University of Hawai’i, RCUH will be incorporating Duo Security as its new two-factor authentication solution. Here’s a brief overview of the upcoming MFA implementation:  **IMPORTANT ACTION NEEDED PRIOR TO FEB. 23, 2024**If you … Continue readingDuo Security on Finance/HR portals, effective Feb. 23

RCUH Vendor Payments for January 25, 2024 – UPDATE

The RCUH Financial Portal is back in operation and Fiscal Administrators may resume approving transactions. On Thursday, January 25, 2024, we encountered a system error which affected our end of day business processing. Vendor payments for transactions approved on January 25 will be processed in accordance with our normal processing schedule. RCUH transactions approved on … Continue reading “RCUH Vendor Payments for January 25, 2024 – UPDATE”