NOTE: This is only applicable for those that submitted Annual Performance Evaluations by the June 16, 2017 deadline and would like to provide their employees with pay increases or one-time payments effective July 1, 2017. The pay awards are only applicable to RCUH regular-status employees (regardless of FTE). TO: Principal Investigators, Project Administrators and Fiscal … Continue reading “2017 Pay Award/Personnel Action Form (PA/PAF) – GO LIVE TODAY, June 22, 2017 through July 11, 2017!”
Revised RCUH Fringe Benefits Schedule (FY July 1, 2017 – June 30, 2018)
To: All Principal Investigators and Fiscal Administrators Please find the updated RCUH Fringe Benefits Schedule for Fiscal Year July 1, 2017 – June 30, 2018. This revised schedule will be effective July 1, 2017. Any questions or concerns can be directed to RCUH Human Resources at 956-3100 or [email protected].
RCUH Timesheet for June 16-30, 2017 pay period (Advanced Payroll Deadline: 12pm – June 30, 2017)
In order to minimize searching for the RCUH timesheets each pay period, we will have the current RCUH timesheet available in the Current News section of the RCUH website on the first working day of each pay period. Click here for the June 16-30, 2017 Timesheet Payroll Deadline is June 30, 2017 noon Payday for … Continue reading “RCUH Timesheet for June 16-30, 2017 pay period (Advanced Payroll Deadline: 12pm – June 30, 2017)”
New Hire Orientation (NHO) Oahu Sessions
The RCUH New Hire Orientation (NHO) provides new employees with important information about RCUH, its benefits, policies and procedures. All regular-status employees (regardless of FTE) are required to attend the New Hire Orientation (NHO). For more information, please visit 3.005 RCUH New Hire Orientation. We have reserved the following dates and times for the NHO … Continue reading “New Hire Orientation (NHO) Oahu Sessions”
RCUH 2017-2018 Open Enrollment Benefits Confirmation
To: All RCUH Regular Status (50-100%) FTE Employees The RCUH 2017-2018 Benefits Open Enrollment Period has ended. This letter and attachments are to confirm your benefits for the upcoming plan year. You will find the following two (2) documents enclosed: ATTACHMENT #1 HMSA Summary of Benefits and Coverage (SBC) ATTACHMENT #2 Kaiser Summary … Continue reading “RCUH 2017-2018 Open Enrollment Benefits Confirmation”