UH Alerts/Broadcast Notification System

TO:  All Principal Investigators, Project Staff, and RCUH Employees If you are interested in receiving emergency/broadcast alert messages from the University of Hawai‘i please go to www.hawaii.edu/alert/. Please note, this link will provide you step by step instructions on how to sign up for both email and text emergency alerts affecting the various UH Campuses if … Continue reading “UH Alerts/Broadcast Notification System”

Guidance for Adverse Weather Conditions

Guidance For Adverse Weather Conditions Disrupting Normal Work/Operations Please refere to the attached memo for guidance relating to Unforseen Disruption in Work Schedules.  If you have any questions relating to these guidelines please email me at [email protected]

Approaching Storm Information

Please see below for a notice that UH announced this morning in regards to the storms approaching the islands: The National Weather Service and State officials are monitoring Hurricane Madeline and Hurricane Lester. The effects of Hurricane Madeline may start impacting Hawaii Island as early as tomorrow (8/30). Lester is still too far away to … Continue reading “Approaching Storm Information”

2015-2016 Performance Evaluations Due on September 12, 2016 for October 1, 2016 Pay Adjustments/Awards via Online PA/PAF

TO:  All Principal Investigators Who Did Not Turn In Their Employees’ 2015-2016 Performance Evaluations  The RCUH will provide Principal Investigators with a final chance to turn in all employees’ 2016 Annual Performance Evaluations in order to be eligible for the 2016 pay awards/adjustments. The deadline to turn in the Performance Evaluations is September 12, 2016. … Continue reading “2015-2016 Performance Evaluations Due on September 12, 2016 for October 1, 2016 Pay Adjustments/Awards via Online PA/PAF”