TO: RCUH Employees Effective December 17, 2015, all RCUH employees who drive a vehicle during their working hours or for any job related functions, will be required to provide RCUH HR their valid Driver’s License information. This information is being requested to ensure that RCUH is able to continually maintain its insurance coverage. We are … Continue reading “RCUH Employee Driver’s License Information”
2015 Normal Work Schedules: December 24th (Christmas Eve) & 31st (New Year’s Eve)
TO: All Principal Investigators & Project Managers/Administrators FROM Nelson Sakamoto Director of Human Resources SUBJECT: 2015 Normal Work Schedules: December 24th (Christmas Eve) & 31st (New Year’s Eve) There will be no special notices relating to work schedules for December 24th (Christmas Eve) or December 31st (New Year’s Eve). This … Continue reading “2015 Normal Work Schedules: December 24th (Christmas Eve) & 31st (New Year’s Eve)”
Advanced Payroll Deadline for Pay Period Ending 12/31/15 and for 2016
The payroll deadline for the 12/16 – 12/31/15 pay period is 12:00 noon on THURSDAY, DECEMBER 31, 2015. The deadline has been moved up one day due to the New Year’s Day holiday. Please note below the advanced payroll deadlines for Pay Period Ending 12/31/15 and for 2016. All other payroll deadlines remain as usual … Continue reading “Advanced Payroll Deadline for Pay Period Ending 12/31/15 and for 2016”
Hawaii State Minimum Wage – Increase to $8.50 per hour (Effective January 1, 2016)
TO: All Principal Investigators and Fiscal Administrators Effective January 1, 2016, the Hawaii State Minimum Wage will increase from $7.75 per hour to $8.50 per hour. There will also be subsequent increases to the minimum wage through Year 2018 as outlined below. The minimum wage will increase as follows: Effective January 1, 2017 $9.25 per … Continue reading “Hawaii State Minimum Wage – Increase to $8.50 per hour (Effective January 1, 2016)”
RCUH Timesheet for December 16-31, 2015 pay period
In order to minimize searching for the RCUH timesheets each pay period, we will have the current RCUH timesheet available in the Current News section of the RCUH website on the first working day of each pay period. Click here for the December 16-31, 2015 Timesheet PAYROLL Deadline is December 31, 2015 noon Payday for … Continue reading “RCUH Timesheet for December 16-31, 2015 pay period”