Important Reminder! Advanced Payroll Deadline for Pay Period Ending 8/31/15 is August 31, 2015.

The payroll deadline for the 8/16 – 8/31/15 pay period is 12:00 noon on Monday, AUGUST 31, 2015. The deadline has been moved up one day due to the Labor Day holiday. Payroll Deadline – when RCUH online timesheet submission, and supporting documentation, is due to RCUH Payroll. IMPORTANT: RCUH employees will NOT be paid … Continue reading “Important Reminder! Advanced Payroll Deadline for Pay Period Ending 8/31/15 is August 31, 2015.”


LAST CHANCE: 2015 Annual Performance Evaluations Deadline on September 11, 2015 for October 1, 2015 Pay Adjustments/Awards via Online PA/PAF The RCUH will provide Principal Investigator’s with a final chance to turn in all employees 2015 Annual Performance Evaluations in order to be eligible for the 2015 pay awards/adjustments. The deadline to turn in Annual … Continue reading “THE RESOURCE”

LAST CHANCE: 2015 Annual Performance Evaluations Deadline on September 11, 2015 for October 1, 2015 Pay Adjustments/Awards via Online PA/PAF

TO: All Principal Investigators Who Did Not Turn In Their Employee’s 2015 Annual Performance Evaluations The RCUH will provide Principal Investigator’s with a final chance to turn in all employees 2015 Annual Performance Evaluations in order to be eligible for the 2015 pay awards/adjustments. The deadline to turn in Annual Performance Evaluations is September 11, … Continue reading “LAST CHANCE: 2015 Annual Performance Evaluations Deadline on September 11, 2015 for October 1, 2015 Pay Adjustments/Awards via Online PA/PAF”

“The High Road” – The Hawaii State Ethics Commission’s Newsletter

The August 2015 edition of the Hawaii State Ethics Commission’s newsletter, “The High Road”, can be viewed on their website using the following link: Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Hawaii State Ethics Commission at (808) 587-0460 or [email protected].