RCUH EPERSONNEL ACTION FORM (EPAF) We are very excited to announce the launch of our new HR Portal and ePersonnel Action Form (ePAF) has gone live! Our new ePAF will eliminate the need for you to complete manual PAF’s for many actions that you have been accustomed to doing for many years. Effective immediately, you … Continue reading “THE RESOURCE”

UH Alert Emergency Notification System

TO: All RCUH Employees FROM: Nelson Sakamoto Director of Human Resources SUBJECT: UH Alert Emergency Notification System Employees interested in receiving emergency alert messages from the University of Hawaii please go to This link will provide you step by step instructions on how to sign up for both email and text emergency alerts affecting … Continue reading “UH Alert Emergency Notification System”

RCUH Vacation Policy Posted – Effective July 1, 2015

To:      All Principal Investigators and Fiscal Administrators Effective July 1, 2015 pursuant to 2 CFR Chapter II, Part 200, Subpart E, 200.431), the RCUH Vacation Payout Reserve will be in effect for all terminal vacation payouts. The Vacation Payout Reserve is funded through a fringe benefit charge on the payroll of Regular Status Employees with … Continue reading “RCUH Vacation Policy Posted – Effective July 1, 2015”

UH Alerts for RCUH Employees

The UH Alert emergency notification system alerts the university community in the event of a natural, health, or civil emergency. The information you provide will only be used in the event of an emergency that impacts the health and safety of the UH community or closures of whole campuses. It will not be shared with … Continue reading “UH Alerts for RCUH Employees”