MEMORANDUM TO: All RCUH Principal Investigators & Employees FROM: RCUH Human Resources SUBJECT: RCUH Supervisor’s Report of Industrial Injury Effective immediately, all RCUH Supervisor’s Reports of Industrial Injury are to be submitted directly to the RCUH Director of Human Resources, Mr. Nelson Sakamoto. All work-related accidents must be reported to the RCUH using the RCUH … Continue reading “RCUH Supervisor’s Report of Industrial Injury”
RCUH Timesheet for February 1-15, 2015 pay period
In order to minimize searching for the RCUH timesheets each pay period, we will have the current RCUH timesheet available in the Current News section of the RCUH website on the first working day of each pay period. Click here for the February 1-15, 2015 Timesheet PAYROLL Deadline is February 13, 2015 noon Payday for … Continue reading “RCUH Timesheet for February 1-15, 2015 pay period”
TO: ALL RCUH EMPLOYEES WITH 2014 WAGES The Wage and Tax Statement (W-2) forms for the 2014 tax year have been completed. Employees who submitted consent for an electronic W-2: Your 2014 W-2 form is now available on the RCUH Employee Self-Service system at Click on: Employee Self Service > User ID and password … Continue reading “W-2 FORM FOR TAX YEAR 2014”
TIAA-CREF Individual Retirement Counseling Sessions
ATTENTION: Regular status employees 50-100% FTE If you are currently participating in RCUH’s Group Retirement Annuity (GRA) and/or Supplemental Retirement Annuity (SRA) plans administered through TIAA-CREF OR if you are interested in enrolling into a TIAA-CREF SRA plan, the RCUH Human Resources Department is now coordinating one-hour Individual/Employee Retirement Counseling Sessions with TIAA-CREF. During these … Continue reading “TIAA-CREF Individual Retirement Counseling Sessions”
RCUH Timesheet for January 16-31, 2015 pay period
In order to minimize searching for the RCUH timesheets each pay period, we will have the current RCUH timesheet available in the Current News section of the RCUH website on the first working day of each pay period. Click here for the January 16-31, 2015 Timesheet PAYROLL Deadline is February 2, 2015 noon Payday for … Continue reading “RCUH Timesheet for January 16-31, 2015 pay period”