RCUH Workers’ Compensation Insurance and Employing Staff Outside of Hawai’i

The Research Corporation of the University of Hawai’i (RCUH) provides a broad range of staffing services to all University of Hawai’i (UH) Principal Investigators to employ staff in Hawai’i and locations outside of Hawai’i.  The purpose of this memo is to provide you with guidance on RCUH’s workers’ compensation insurance coverage and information you need … Continue reading “RCUH Workers’ Compensation Insurance and Employing Staff Outside of Hawai’i”

Hawaiʻi State Ethics Commission Training – Upcoming Classes

The Hawai‘i State Ethics Commission has added additional ethics training classes in 2018 for state employees on O‘ahu and Hawai‘i Island. These classes provide an overview of the state ethics laws that apply to all state employees. Topics include: Conflicts of Interests, Gifts and the Reporting of Gifts, Confidential Information, Misuse of Official Position, and Post-Employment Restrictions. … Continue reading “Hawaiʻi State Ethics Commission Training – Upcoming Classes”

Hurricane Hector: Guidance Relating to Unforeseen Disruption in Work Schedules

Reminder: June 1-November 30 is hurricane season. For more information on hurricane activity and education please visit: http://www.prh.noaa.gov/cphc/ Employees are encouraged to sign up for UH Alert to be informed via text message about emergency situations affecting the 10 UH campuses http://hawaii.edu/alert. Notifications affecting UH campuses will be posted at http://hawaii.edu/emergency. If a project is unable to … Continue reading “Hurricane Hector: Guidance Relating to Unforeseen Disruption in Work Schedules”

RCUH Timesheet for August 1-15, 2018 Pay Period (Advanced Payroll Deadline: 12pm – August 15, 2018)

In order to minimize searching for the RCUH timesheets each pay period, you can now access the current and upcoming timesheets through your Employee Self-Service Portal. Timesheets will be located under Forms. We will have the current RCUH timesheet available on the RCUH website in the News Section: Human Resources Announcements on the first working day of … Continue reading “RCUH Timesheet for August 1-15, 2018 Pay Period (Advanced Payroll Deadline: 12pm – August 15, 2018)”

Coming this Fall: Updated Attachment B and Recruitment Request Process

 Attention: All Principal Investigators, Supervisors, Fiscal Administrators and Administrative Staff The RCUH Human Resources Department is proud to announce the launch of our updated Attachment B and recruitment request process on September 10, 2018. The Position Requisition Form (PRF) and Attachment B Form will merge so initiating a Regular-status position will become one fluid process. … Continue reading “Coming this Fall: Updated Attachment B and Recruitment Request Process”