To: All RCUH Regular-status (50-100% FTE) Employees RCUH’s 2018 Benefits Open Enrollment period is from May 1-18, 2018 for the plan year July 1, 2018 – June 30, 2019. All Open Enrollment materials (Rate Sheet, Plan Details, Open Enrollment Forms, and Carrier Presentations) will be available via Employee Self-Service (ESS) by May 1st. What is … Continue reading “RCUH Benefits Open Enrollment: May 1-18, 2018”
Registration open for HSEC Ethics Training
Online registration is available for ethics training classes on Hawai‘i island, Kaua‘i, and Maui, led by the Hawai‘i State Ethics Commission. The classes will provide an overview of the state ethics laws that apply to all state (including RCUH) employees. It is not a mandatory training for RCUH employees, but it is highly encouraged if … Continue reading “Registration open for HSEC Ethics Training”
RCUH Timesheet for April 16-30, 2018 Pay Period (Payroll Deadline: 12pm – May 1, 2018)
In order to minimize searching for the RCUH timesheets each pay period, you can now access the current and upcoming timesheets through your Employee Self-Service Portal. Timesheets will be located under Forms. We will have the current RCUH timesheet available on the RCUH website in the News Section: Human Resources Announcements on the first working day of … Continue reading “RCUH Timesheet for April 16-30, 2018 Pay Period (Payroll Deadline: 12pm – May 1, 2018)”
Travel for Nonimmigrant Employees During Summer Season
IMPORTANT: PLEASE MAKE SURE TO OBTAIN YOUR PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR’S APPROVAL FIRST BEFORE MAKING ANY TRAVEL ARRANGEMENTS. Summer Season is approaching! If you are on a nonimmigrant visa and will be traveling during the summer season, we would like to remind you to email RCUH Human Resources/Immigration ([email protected]) at least two (2) weeks prior to your … Continue reading “Travel for Nonimmigrant Employees During Summer Season”
RCUH Timesheet for April 1-15, 2018 Pay Period (Payroll Deadline: 12pm – April 16, 2018)
In order to minimize searching for the RCUH timesheets each pay period, you can now access the current and upcoming timesheets through your Employee Self-Service Portal. Timesheets will be located under Forms. We will have the current RCUH timesheet available on the RCUH website in the News Section: Human Resources Announcements on the first working day of … Continue reading “RCUH Timesheet for April 1-15, 2018 Pay Period (Payroll Deadline: 12pm – April 16, 2018)”