2013 – 2014 Annual Performance Evaluations – Due to RCUH on June 23, 2014

To:      All Principal Investigators   After much consideration, we have decided to make only minor changes to the Annual Performance Evaluation (APE) Forms. Highlighted changes to the form(s) include the following:  ·         Rating Definitions and Summary Ratings: “Competent” changed to “Satisfactory” ·         Added in Performance Competency: “Support & Contributions to Success of the Project: … Continue reading “2013 – 2014 Annual Performance Evaluations – Due to RCUH on June 23, 2014”

Annual Performance Evaluation Training Sessions

Annual Performance Evaluations are coming soon!  Training sessions have been rescheduled for all Principal Investigators, Supervisors, and Administrative Staff and will be conducted by RCUH Human Resources to review/discuss the process and guidelines for the 2014 Annual Performance Evaluations and Pay Increases.  We encourage all PIs, Supervisors, and Administrative Staff to attend this training session.  … Continue reading “Annual Performance Evaluation Training Sessions”