Policy 3.550 RCUH Retiree Health and Life Insurance Program – Clarification on Retiree Medical Plan Reserve

The current RCUH Retiree Health and Life Insurance Program policy indicated the following under Cost and Contributions regarding the Retiree Medical Plan Reserve: For Retirees With a Hire Date or Last Rehire Date (whichever is later) PRIOR to July 1, 2009: The RCUH had established a Retiree Medical Plan Reserve which assessed all projects with … Continue reading “Policy 3.550 RCUH Retiree Health and Life Insurance Program – Clarification on Retiree Medical Plan Reserve”

CANCELLED-RCUH Annual Performance Evaluation Training

RCUH Annual Performance Evaluation Training has been cancelled for the following: ISLAND LOCATION DATE TIME Maui UH Maui College 310 Ka’ahumanu Avenue   Monday, May 12, 2014 9:00am – 10:30am Hilo IFA Auditorium 640 N. A’ohoku Place   Friday, May 16, 2014 9:00am – 10:30am Training will be rescheduled and announced on Current News.

Annual Performance Evaluation Training Sessions

Annual Performance Evaluations are coming soon!  Training sessions have been rescheduled for all Principal Investigators, Supervisors, and Administrative Staff and will be conducted by RCUH Human Resources to review/discuss the process and guidelines for the 2014 Annual Performance Evaluations and Pay Increases.  We encourage all PIs, Supervisors, and Administrative Staff to attend this training session.  … Continue reading “Annual Performance Evaluation Training Sessions”

RCUH Timesheet for May 1-15, 2014 pay period

In order to minimize searching for the RCUH timesheets each pay period, we will have the current RCUH timesheet available in the Current News section of the RCUH website on the first working day of each pay period.                                                      Click here for the May 1-15, 2014 Timesheet   PAYROLL Deadline is May 16, … Continue reading “RCUH Timesheet for May 1-15, 2014 pay period”