Hawaii Labor Laws Posters

  MEMORANDUM                                                                                                TO:                 All Principal Investigators & Project Administrators       FROM:           Nelson Sakamoto                          Director of Human Resources       SUBJECT:     Hawaii Labor Laws Posters       All Hawaii employers are to ensure they have all legal employment law posters on their company’s bulletin board.  The State of Hawaii Department … Continue reading “Hawaii Labor Laws Posters”

Special Payroll Deadline for the 8/01 – 8/15/13 and 8/16 – 8/31/13 pay period

Due to the Statehood Day and Labor Day holidays, the payroll deadline times for the next 2 pay periods have changed.  The payroll deadline dates remain the same.     Pay Period Ending Payroll Deadline Online Timesheet Available 8/01 – 8/15/13 10:00am (instead of 12:00 noon) on Monday, August 19, 2013 8:00am on 8/14/13 through … Continue reading “Special Payroll Deadline for the 8/01 – 8/15/13 and 8/16 – 8/31/13 pay period”

RCUH Timesheet for August 1-15 pay period

In order to minimize searching for the RCUH timesheets each pay period, we will have the current RCUH timesheet available in the Current News section of the RCUH website on the first working day of each pay period.                                                      Click here for the August 1-15, 2013 Timesheet   PAYROLL Deadline is August 19, … Continue reading “RCUH Timesheet for August 1-15 pay period”

Tropical Storm Flossie

Tropical Storm Flossie may pose possible disruptions to normal operations over the next couple of days.  Principal Investigators and Project Administrators are urged to take necessary precautions:   1. CHANGES IN WORK SCHEDULE due to weather conditions:   Principal Investigators are responsible to notify their RCUH employees whether or not to report to work.   … Continue reading “Tropical Storm Flossie”


For those interested in attending, the Hawaii State Ethics Commission will be conducting ethic training classes for state employees in August and September.  The class will present an overview of the state ethics laws that apply to all state employees.       OAHU (Honolulu and Kapolei) Honolulu Hawaii State Capitol Auditorium Chamber Level 415 … Continue reading “HAWAII STATE ETHICS COMMISSION SCHEDULE OF ETHICS TRAINING CLASSES (August – September, 2013)”