The Resource

  Volume 16, Issue 2           Each year Principal Investigators have the opportunity to nominate and recognize their RCUH employee who has made demonstrable, significant and outstanding contributions to their project during the previous year. On February 8, 2013, a luncheon was held to honor the nominees and to announce the … Continue reading “The Resource”

No Retroactive and Late Personnel Actions starting March 1, 2013

TO:tttAll Principal Investigators   FROM:ttNelson Sakamoto tttDirector of Human Resources   SUBJECT:tNo Retroactive and Late Personnel Actions Starting March 1, 2013   We require everyone’s cooperation to adhere to our administrative deadlines.  These deadlines are intended to maximize workflow efficiencies and to ensure accurate and timely outcomes to hiring and payroll actions.  We have accommodated … Continue reading “No Retroactive and Late Personnel Actions starting March 1, 2013”