RCUH Human Resources Position Requisition Form (PRF) Automatic E-mails Now Generated After PI and FO approvals

Effective March 9, 2012, all Position Requisition Forms (PRF) initiated online via the Human Resources Administrative Management Portal (HRAMP) will now generate automatic e-mail reminders to Principal Investigators (PIs) and Fiscal Officers (FOs). These automatic e-mail alerts have been implemented to alert PIs and FOs that there is an action pending their approval.The automatic e-mails … Continue reading “RCUH Human Resources Position Requisition Form (PRF) Automatic E-mails Now Generated After PI and FO approvals”

TRAINING: RCUH Human Resources Portal (HR AMP) March & April 2012

RCUH Human Resources will be conducting our monthly Human Resources Administrative Management Portal (HR AMP) training to assist NEW users or those needing a “refresher course” on our online personnel system. During this 3-hour HR AMP training session, hands-on instruction will be provided for the following transactions: Introduction to the RCUH HR AMP System Navigating … Continue reading “TRAINING: RCUH Human Resources Portal (HR AMP) March & April 2012”

CHANGE IN LOCATION for March 9, 2012 Hilo EEO/Sexual Harassment Prevention Training

Change in location for the March 9, 2012 RCUH EEO/Sexual Harassment Prevention Training in Hilo.   Date:   ttMarch 9, 2012 Time:  tt 9:00-11:00 am (Employees and Supervisors)             tt11:00 am-12:00 pm (cont. w/Supervisors Only) Location:         USDA Conference Room B ttt  64 Nowelo Street tt  Enter the UHH Research Park.  Take the first driveway on the left.  All … Continue reading “CHANGE IN LOCATION for March 9, 2012 Hilo EEO/Sexual Harassment Prevention Training”