Cancellation of NTE Notices

Not-To-Exceed reminder emails for projects ending in December 2011 will be the last notices that RCUH Human Resources/Payroll will be sending out to remind Principal Investigators and Fiscal Officers of impending expiring projects. With the availability of the Electronic Journal Voucher (eJ/V) system on the RCUH Human Resources Administrative Management Portal (HR AMP), we believe … Continue reading “Cancellation of NTE Notices”

The Resource – HR Newsletter26 WORKING DAYS TO “USE or LOSE” VACATION

The Resource Volume 14, Issue 11 November 22, 2011   The end of the year is fast approaching with only 26 working days remaining.  RCUH’s Vacation Policy allows for only a limited amount of hours to be carried over into the next year.  The number of hours depends on which vacation plan you are on, … Continue reading “The Resource – HR Newsletter26 WORKING DAYS TO “USE or LOSE” VACATION”

New 2012 Maximum Allowable Contribution Limits for Tax-Deferred Annuity Plans

On October 20, 2011, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) announced cost-of-living adjustments affecting the dollar limitation for pension plans and other retirement-related items for 2012.  Included in the cost-of-living adjustment changes was the increase to the maximum allowable contribution amount for 403(b) Tax-Deferred Annuity plans (e.g., TIAA-CREF “Supplemental Retirement Annuity” plan).    Contribution maximums will … Continue reading “New 2012 Maximum Allowable Contribution Limits for Tax-Deferred Annuity Plans”