Business Classification Certification Statement

Download BUSINESS CLASSIFICATION CERTIFICATION STATEMENTCONTRACTORS: Please complete the information below. Terms used are taken from the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) Rules and Regulations ( and the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations (CFR). The term “controlled” refers to the management and daily operation of the business concern.The company identified below (check all that apply):1. IS … Continue reading “Business Classification Certification Statement”

Financial System Processing Now Available

The RCUH fiscal year-end processing has been completed. Fiscal  Administrators may now approve on-line payments and purchase orders in the Financial Portal. The first check run for fiscal year 2018 will be on Thursday, July 6, 2017 at 4:00 PM. Reminder: Service dates are required for all payment transactions through Thursday, August 31. For payments … Continue reading “Financial System Processing Now Available”

Attachment 57 Sample Price and Cost Analyses

Download Sample Price and Cost AnalysesPrice and cost analyses may be accomplished in several ways. When presenting your analysis, provide sufficient details; make clear, concise, and coherent statements; and attach supporting documents to corroborate the statements made. Your goal is to have the reader conclude that the purchase is fair, reasonable, and advantageous to RCUH.Tips: … Continue reading “Attachment 57 Sample Price and Cost Analyses”

Attachment 56b Request for Proposal (RFP) Template (Direct Projects)

Download REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS The Research Corporation of the University of Hawaii requests proposals for the SUBJECT OF THE PROPOSAL for the Name of the ProjectName of School, College, Department or InstituteHonolulu, HI Date NOTICE TO OFFERORS RFP Availability A copy of the Request for Proposal (RFP) include RFP # (if applicable) and RFP title … Continue reading “Attachment 56b Request for Proposal (RFP) Template (Direct Projects)”

Payment Approval Deadline for 12/22/23 and 12/29/23

The payment approval deadline on Friday, December 22 and Friday, December 29 is 12:00 noon. Online payment transactions approved by Fiscal Administrators by 12:00 noon on December 22 and 29 will be included in the daily check print and ePayment file. The last check run for the calendar year will be on Friday, December 29, … Continue readingPayment Approval Deadline for 12/22/23 and 12/29/23

University of Hawai’i Announcements Pertaining to New Payroll System – NOT APPLICABLE TO RCUH EMPLOYEES

Memorandum To: All RCUH Employees From: Nelson Sakamoto, Director of Human Resources Please disregard any notice you may have received via email or other means from the University of Hawaiʻi (UH) pertaining to “Enrollment for New Payroll System Begins Today”.  This notice does NOT apply to RCUH employees (regardless of work location, agency or department). This … Continue reading “University of Hawai’i Announcements Pertaining to New Payroll System – NOT APPLICABLE TO RCUH EMPLOYEES”

Financial System Processing Now Available

The RCUH fiscal year-end processing has been completed. You may now approve online purchase orders, payments, and travel in the Financial Portal. The first check run for Fiscal Year 2020 will be on Wednesday, July 3, 2019 at 4:00 PM. Reminder: Service dates are required for all payment transactions through Friday, August 30. For payments … Continue reading “Financial System Processing Now Available”


RCUH fiscal year-end processing has been completed and the RCUH financial system is now open for fiscal year 2023. Fiscal Administrators may now approve online purchasing, payment, and travel transactions in the Financial Portal. The first check run for fiscal year 2023 will be on Wednesday, July 6, 2022 at 4:00 PM. UH Project Fiscal … Continue reading “FINANCIAL SYSTEM PROCESSING NOW AVAILABLE”

RCUH HR IMPORTANT: Mandatory Ethics Training from the Hawai‘i State Ethics Commission Required for ALL RCUH Employees

Due to a newly enacted state law (Act 165, 2022), all State employees must complete mandatory ethics training offered by the Hawai‘i State Ethics Commission (HSEC). The training is intended to help increase awareness of the Ethics Code and provide an understanding of how the code is interpreted by the State Ethics Commission. This requirement … Continue reading “RCUH HR IMPORTANT: Mandatory Ethics Training from the Hawai‘i State Ethics Commission Required for ALL RCUH Employees”