Attachment 48 Individual Cash Advance Request Form

Download Individual Cash Advance Request Form(for use in connection with research activity conducted in foreign countries)The terms on page 2 are an integral part of this form. PI Name Custodian Name (if applicable)Advance Amount Advance Period (to/from)Account Number Account TitleDescription of Research ActivityAdvance Budget by Expense Category (attach additional sheets, as necessary)Justification for Cash Advance … Continue reading “Attachment 48 Individual Cash Advance Request Form”

New Health Insurance Marketplace and DOMA Informational Sessions

RCUH will be conducting a Question and Answer session on the following topics:   ·         NEW Health Insurance Marketplace Coverage Options and Your Health Coverage   ·         Same Sex Marriage Benefit Changes (IRS Revenue Ruling 2013-17)       Informational Sessions Dates/Times:     Island     Date     Time     Location   … Continue reading “New Health Insurance Marketplace and DOMA Informational Sessions”

3.810 RCUH Payroll & Certification

Download Research Corporationof the University of Hawai‘i3.810 RCUH PAYROLL & CERTIFICATIONI. PolicyIt is the policy of RCUH to pay employees accurately and in a timely manner, in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. RCUH requires both the Employee and Principal Investigator to report and certify accurate time worked or leave time taken by the RCUH … Continue reading “3.810 RCUH Payroll & Certification”


Each year Principal Investigators have the opportunity to nominate and recognize their RCUH employee who has made demonstrable, significant and outstanding contributions to their project during the previous year.  On March 11, 2016, a luncheon was held to honor the nominees and to announce the first and second place winners for 2015.  Please join us … Continue reading “2015 OUTSTANDING EMPLOYEE OF THE YEAR 1st, 2nd PLACE WINNERS”

Legal Same-Sex Marriages – Recognized For Federal Tax Purposes Providing Benefits and Protections Under Federal Tax Law.

  Effective September 16, 2013, Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Revenue Ruling 2013-17 will allow same-sex couples to be treated as “married” for all federal tax purposes including federal tax filing status, claiming personal and dependency exemptions, and employee benefits provided they are able to provide proof of legal marriage in one of the 50 states, … Continue reading “Legal Same-Sex Marriages – Recognized For Federal Tax Purposes Providing Benefits and Protections Under Federal Tax Law.”

Health Insurance Marketplace and DOMA Informational Session – Frequently Asked Questions

RCUH has completed all information sessions on the following topics: NEW Health Insurance Marketplace Coverage Options and Your Health Coverage Same Sex Marriage Benefit Changes (IRS Revenue Ruling 2013-17) Briefing on Family Leave We have received many good questions from the participants of these training sessions and have put together FAQ sheets for each topic. … Continue reading “Health Insurance Marketplace and DOMA Informational Session – Frequently Asked Questions”

Job Description Updates for Current Employees – HIPAA/PHI Compliance

To: All Principal Investigators The RCUH is relying on individual schools and projects to comply with all Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and Protected Health information (PHI) privacy, security and breach notification rules pursuant to the requirements set forward by the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services. The RCUH is currently reviewing … Continue reading “Job Description Updates for Current Employees – HIPAA/PHI Compliance”

OSHA Revised Final Regulations & Impact on Hawaii Employers

TO: All RCUH Principal Investigators and Employees FROM: RCUH Human Resources On September 18, 2014, The U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration released revised regulations for Injury and Illness Reporting. Effective January 1, 2015, OSHA is requiring that employers report work-related injuries that result in the following: Any in-patient hospitalization Amputation Loss of an eye … Continue reading “OSHA Revised Final Regulations & Impact on Hawaii Employers”